What is your favorite part about being a volunteer at Sts. Anne and Joachim?
The best is meeting other Catholics that have helped me be a better Catholic.
What areas of parish life do you currently serve in?
I attend Eucharistic Adoration, help with being an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion and Greeter at Mass, and assist as a Baker and Funeral Receptions, helping Ted vacuum the Church, and work with arts and environment.
How has serving a volunteer impacted your own life?
I started attending Eucharistic Adoration when Sts. Anne and Joachim was still located on South University. Adoration increased the time, quality, and depth of my prayer life. Weeks are more of a struggle if I didn’t spend that hour in the presence of our Lord.
Even though I have never felt worthy of distributing the Body and Blood of our Lord, it is an opportunity to participate deeper in the Mass.
Greeting parishioners before Mass, we get to meet and know more Sts. Anne and Joachim families, it is a joyful time.
Baking and/or helping serve the meals for funerals is a support to our friends and neighbors during these tough time. I can pray and serve them anonymously.
Vacuuming gives me more time with God and helps keep the Lord’s house clean. I can clean on my own schedule.
Helping Ellie decorate and water plants for special seasons of the year has been fun. Its an opportunity to get to know her more, and beautify the house of the Lord.
If you are interested in any of the many ways to volunteer at our parish, please contact Sue in the parish office at sripplinger@stsaaj.org or 701-235-5757.