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Confirmation 2024
Bishop Folda Confirmation 2024_n

Sacramental Preparation Registration

You must be a registered member of the parish to register your child in Sacramental Preparation.  Completing the online registration form requires payment upon completion.  If you want to pay by check or are unable to pay at this time please visit the parish office to complete registration.  

  • Parish Religious Education Families: Preparation includes weekly RE classes and a retreat at the parish.  Parents are required to attend parent meetings at the parish.  
  • JPII Families: Preparation includes in school sacramental preparation and a retreat at the parish. Parents are required to attend parent meetings at the parish.
  • Non-Catholic Private & Home School Families: Preparation includes sacramental workbook to be completed at home and a retreat at the parish. Parents are required to attend parent meetings.

First Reconciliation

Children in grade 2 prepare for the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Preparation includes: Religious Education classes/sacramental workbook and attend the Reconciliation Retreat at the parish. Parents are required to attend parent meetings.

Confirmation & First Eucharist

Children in grade 3 prepare both Sacraments. Preparation includes: Religious Education classes/Sacramental workbooks and attend the Confirmation/First Eucharist Retreat at the parish. Parents are required to attend parent meetings.


Sacramental Preparation Grade 4 and Older

We have RCIC (Rite of Christian initiation for Children) classes on Wednesday nights from 6:30-7:40pm in the Shanley High School from September-May. These classes will give an overview of our Catholic faith to create a solid foundation for these children.

In 2024 we had 29 children receive the sacraments through the RCIC program.  Reach out to Olivia at osalonek@stsaaj.org if you have any questions, or find more information on our Rite of Christian Initiation for Children page.