High School Prayer Walk

Seeds Program Age 4-Kindergarten

The Seeds program runs from mid September May during the 9:15 am Sunday Mass. Children ages 4-kindergarten are invited to participate in the Seeds Gospel Weeklies program. During these sessions, the readings and Gospel are explained at a child’s level through engaging activities. Volunteer teachers lead the children to their classroom at the start of Mass, and the children return after the homily.

Grades 1-7

Sarah Bofferding, Director of Catechesis, oversees Religious Education classes for grades 1-7.

Grades 1-7 meet on Wednesdays from 6:30-7:40 pm at Sacred Heart Middle School. (5600 25th St. S)

Grades 8-12

Susan Ripplinger, Youth Coordinator, overseas Religious Education, High School YDisciple program and youth events for grades 8-12.

  • Grade 8 meet Wednesdays from 6:30-7:40 pm
  • High School YDisciple Small Groups meet on Wednesday evenings from 7:30-8:40pm.
  • Contact Susan in the office for more information.

Youth Events

Several events for middle school & high school youth are planned throughout the year through the parish and Diocese. Events include: lock-ins, ski trip, Camp Summit and the Steubenville Catholic Youth Conference.


Registered parishioners are asked to prayerfully consider volunteering their time as a Catechist, Catechist Assistant or YDisciple Small Group Leader.  You do not have to have children enrolled in the program to become involved. It is the responsibility of all to assist in the passing on of the faith.   

Religious Education Catechist
Role Description: As a volunteer Catechist, you will lead a classroom of young people ranging from kindergarten to 8th grade on a weekly basis throughout the school year.  Catechists play a pivotal role in imparting knowledge about faith, spiritual growth, and moral values to our young people.  Training, guidance, and ongoing support will be provided by the Director of Religious Education.  

Religious Education Catechist Assistant

Role Description: As a volunteer Catechist Assistant, you will support the catechist on a weekly basis throughout the school year in the classroom by aiding with classroom management, assisting in instructions, potentially helping with lesson preparation, and leading the class when the catechist or a substitute is unavailable.  Training, guidance, and ongoing support will be provided by the Director of Religious Education.  

Youth in Grades 1-7 meet on Wednesday evenings from 6:30 pm – 7:40 pm at Shanley High School 
Youth in Grade 8 meet on Wednesday evenings from 6:30 pm – 7:40 pm at Sts. Anne & Joachim 
Kindergarten Youth meet Sunday Mornings at 9:15 am at Sts. Anne & Joachim

YDisciple Small Group Leader for Grade 9-12 
Role Description: As a YDisciple Small Group Leader, you will facilitate a men’s or women’s small group of high school youth weekly throughout the school year.  YDisciple small group leaders provide mentorship and support to teens within their small group by fostering open discussion, and helping them navigate their faith journey and personal challenges.  Small group evenings will include various activities aimed at spiritual growth, community building, and service.  Training, guidance, and ongoing support will be provided by the Director of Youth Ministry.

YDisciple Youth Grades 9-12 meet on Wednesday evenings from 7:30 pm – 8:40 pm at Sts. Anne & Joachim. 
*Times may be adjusted to accommodate each small groups needs.