Who can I contact with questions? How do I register?

Fill out the form below or contact Deacon Ben at (701) 235-5757 or email ben.seitz@fargodiocese.org.

2024 OCIA/OCIC Class
Above are those either baptized or confirmed, along with sponsors; Easter Vigil 2024

Sts. Anne and Joachim Catholic church provides a means for both non-Christians and Christians of other denominations to learn more about the Catholic Church. This process is called the Order of Christian Initiation of Adults (OCIA).

How Does the Rite Work for Those Who Have Never Been Baptized?

Unbaptized individuals, known as “inquirers,” enter the OCIA process in the pre-catechumenate phase. After a period of catechesis, the person may seek acceptance into the Order of Catechumens, through the Rite of Acceptance. During this Rite, the inquirer stands amidst the parish community and states that he or she wants to become a baptized member of the Catholic Church. The parish assembly affirms this desire, and the inquirer becomes a Catechumen. During this time, the Catechumens consider what God is saying to them in the Scriptures, what changes in their life they need to make to respond to God’s inspiration, and what Baptism in the Catholic Church means.

When a Catechumen, the priest and the parish team working with him or her believes the person is ready to make a faith commitment to Jesus in the Catholic Church, the next step is the request for baptism and the celebration of the Rite of Election. The Rite of Election includes the enrollment of names of all the Catechumens seeking baptism at the coming Easter Vigil. On the first Sunday of Lent, the Catechumens, their sponsors, and families gather at the Cathedral, and they publicly express their desire for Baptism to the Diocesan Bishop. Their names are recorded in a book, and they are called the Elect.

The days of Lent are the final Period of Purification and Enlightenment leading up to the Easter Vigil. Lent is a period of preparation marked by prayer, study, and spiritual direction for the Elect, as well as prayers for them by the parish communities. The Celebration of the Sacraments of Initiation takes place during the Easter Vigil Liturgy on Holy Saturday when the Elect receives the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and Holy Eucharist.

What About for those who are Already Baptized in other Christian Denominations?

OCIA is not reserved only for the un-baptized. Coming into full communion with the Catholic Church describes the process for entrance into the Catholic Church for baptized Christians of other denominations as well. To prepare for this reception, the people, who are called “candidates”, participate in the OCIA program to help them understand and experience the teachings and practices of the Catholic Church. The candidates are also received into the Catholic Church at the Easter Vigil and at other times during the year.

What is the schedule for the OCIA?

Sts. Anne and Joachim Catholic Church runs two different tracks of classes throughout the year. The first track begins in September and culminates at the Easter Vigil. Classes for this track are on Thursday evenings from 7:00 – 8:30 PM.

A second track of classes has been added that begins in May and culminates with reception of the sacraments in late November. Classes for this track are on Wednesday evenings from 7:00 – 8:30 PM.