RCIC Class of 2024
These are the children that entered the Church on Pentecost Sunday in 2024

Do you have any children in need of the sacraments of Baptism after seven years of age, or Confirmation and First Communion after third grade?

In the academic year of 2023-2024, Sts. Anne and Joachim added a class due to the need of children outside the regular track that were in need of the sacraments of initiation.  In 2024, we had 29 children that needed the sacraments and were in middle or high school.  There were also six children that received Baptism, First Communion, and Confirmation during the Easter Season.

This class is called the “Order of Christian Initiation for Children” (OCIC). This class is for children who are were not baptized as infants or who are baptized but have not received any formal religious education, who have attained the use of reason (seven years of age or older) and are of catechetical age. The class runs congruent with our regular Religious Education classes on Wednesdays from September 11 thru April. 30 The class starts at 6:30—7:40pm in one of the classrooms at the Shanley High School. Within this time, the children receive instruction about the fundamentals of the Catholic Faith, along with specialized instruction as to the sacraments they will receive.

Please contact Sarah Bofferding, Director of Catechesis, or contact the parish office at (701) 235-5757. You may also fill out the form below for more information.