Parish Priests Isolating with COVID

Dear Parishoners,

Both Fr. Robert and I have tested positive for COVID in the past few days.

I had a day off on Wednesday, and was experiencing a sore throat for a second day.  I knew COVID was going around in a late summer wave, so I made a visit to the walk-in clinic that day, but they didn’t want to conduct a COVID test, even though I had requested one, and been around a COVID patient through making pastoral visits and giving communion to the sick.

I took a home test on Thursday morning after experiencing more symptoms with the addition a mild fever, and the test came back positive.  I have been isolating at the family lake cabin since then.

Fr. Robert took a home test on Saturday afternoon after experiencing a fever, and his test came back positive as well.  He had been active in pastoral visits to the sick over the past couple weeks as well.

I have consulted medical professionals, and both Fr. Robert and I are planning to spend some days in isolation to promote a speedy recovery and avoid sharing the virus.  Both of us are doing well, and we are not experiencing any serious symptoms.  In my case, the symptoms have been slightly more significant than a cold, more like a mild case of the flu.

This weekend, I am grateful for the assistance of a number of local priests who will be assisting at weekend Masses.  A number of our RCIA Candidates and Catechumens will be celebrating the Rite of Acceptance and Rite of Welcoming, and I know many families are preparing for school to start this week.  I will be lifting up these, and many other needs in my prayers as I continue to pray Mass and Liturgy of the Hours for the parish this weekend.  I’m also thinking of others who may also have COVID.  I hope to be in good health and with all of you very soon.

Peace of the Lord,

Fr. Luke Meyer