CYA Andes Ski Trip

Join the Catholic Young Adults group for a ski trip to Andes Tower Hills! Carpool meetup at 7am at St. Joseph's Catholic Church in Moorhead. 218 10th St S, Moorhead, […]

Advent Lessons & Carols

Main Church, Sts. Anne and Joachim Catholic Church 5202 25th St S, Fargo, ND, United States

Featuring works by Attwood, Latona, Bruckner, and other seasonal carols, this service of scripture and song is sure to put you in the Christmas spirit, with anticipation for the coming […]

Ignite the Night

Sts. Anne & Joachim

Join us for an evening of Adoration, Confession and Praise & Worship Music. Music Link:

KC Chili Cookoff

Sts. Anne & Joachim

Join the Knights of Columbus for their chili cookoff! Mass @ 5pm Doors open @ 5:30om

REFORM Seminar

Sts. Anne & Joachim

Join us for the REFORM Seminar featuring Dr. Bridget Vander Woude and Jackie Mulligan.